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Характеристика: VideoInitialPostDecoderBufferingPeriod


Description: If Annex G is not supported, the attribute has no meaning. If Annex G is supported, this attribute defines the maximum initial post-decoder buffering period of video. Values are interpreted as clock ticks of a 90-kHz clock. In other words, the value is incremented by one for each 1/90 000 seconds. For example, the value 9000 corresponds to 1/10 of a second initial post-decodder buffering. Legal values are all integer values equal to or greater than zero. Type: Number Resolution: Locked Examples: "9000"

Содержится в 356 профилях из 2050 (для вывода списка конкретных профилей, зайдите на страницы профилей и нажмите [Отметить]).

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