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Характеристика: VideoDecodingByteRate


Description: If Annex G is not supported, the attribute has no meaning. If Annex G is supported, this attribute defines the peak decoding byte rate the PSS client is able to support. In other words, the PSS client fulfils the requirements given in Annex G with the signalled peak decoding byte rate. The values are given in bytes per second and shall be greater than or equal to 16000. According to Annex G, 16000 is the default peak decoding byte rate for the mandatory video codec profile and level (H.263 Profile 0 Level 45). Legal values are integer values greater than or equal to 16000. Type: Number Resolution: Locked Examples: "16000"

Содержится в 356 профилях из 2050 (для вывода списка конкретных профилей, зайдите на страницы профилей и нажмите [Отметить]).

1 2 3 4<< 5 >>6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nokia 5500d16000
Nokia N73-616000
Nokia 613316000
Nokia 628848000
Nokia 623316000
Nokia 623448000
Nokia 628016000
Nokia E50-116000
Nokia 628016000
Nokia 629048000
Nokia 628848000
Nokia 623448000
Nokia 739048000
Nokia 612516000
Nokia E61-116000
Nokia 3109c16000
Nokia N9116000
Nokia 630016000
Nokia 530016000
Nokia 623348000
Nokia 623348000
Nokia 623416000
Nokia 627016000
Nokia N76-148000
Nokia 628016000
Nokia 790048000
Nokia 628048000
Nokia 628016000
Nokia 66808000
Nokia 623316000
Nokia 9300i16000
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